Thursday, 17 September 2015


Amber's amazballs pizza

For homework last week our class had to design our own pizza. I made a tomato base, cheese, salami and chicken. Then for writing this week we had to write some persuasive writing to go with it. Then we had to put it into voki. here is mine.


Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Geometric shapes

My Awesome geometric shapes

This week in class we have been working on geometric shapes. We got given a circle. We had to make a six sided, eighteen sided or a thirty six sided. ( if we made any more than that it would look like a big blob!!! )
It was really hard  and I did a six sided first and that was easy, then I did a eighteen sided I thought It would be a little bit hard than the first one but it was waaaaayyyyy harder! I still did it and it was fun. Here is a picture of both of them. ( you can probabaly tell wich one is easy and wich one is hard! )

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

calender art

 Calender art

For our calender art this year we did something called zentangle. At the start I had never ever heard of it. But it is sooo fun!!! it is lots of cool patterns that you see from different angles and they almost make your eyes go funny! here are some examples of zentangle:
We had to choose an animal and then zentagle it. I chose a orca whale:
Here is my fully finished zentangle, zentangled, coloured and done.
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